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Type: Posts; User: curious aardvark

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  1. But depending on what you are printing absolute...

    But depending on what you are printing absolute quality isn't that important.
    I make a lot if brackets, housings and just plain useful practical objects.
    I find that printing fast and roughish then...
  2. doesn't it have an sdcard slot ?

    doesn't it have an sdcard slot ?
  3. All of those things are already calculated by the...

    All of those things are already calculated by the slicer.
    This would seem to be a way to collect stl files on the sly.
  4. board changeovers are pretty simple. Just down...

    board changeovers are pretty simple.
    Just down to how difficult the firmware is to setup.

    My general thoughts are that you never need to upgrade a working printer :-)
    A few basic modifications...
  5. Replies

    First you need to be able to design original...

    First you need to be able to design original models people would actually want to buy.
    Otherwise you're just using files already available and you wont sell those.
  6. start with the most you can afford. THen what...

    start with the most you can afford.

    THen what the biggest thing you might want to make is.
    Then what type of thing you are likely to make the most: practical stuff, models, toys etc

  7. All the corexy fdm ones And any resin one with...

    All the corexy fdm ones
    And any resin one with automated bed levelling.
    That aspect is a real pita.

    I've seen very ittle in the desktop fdm market that's got anything genuinely 'new' this...
  8. Replies

    Curious why you're upgrading. I've never changed...

    Curious why you're upgrading.
    I've never changed an extruder in any if my 6 printers, and I generally print faster than mist people.
    Getting settings and filament right makes a lot more difference....
  9. definitely either unlevelled bed or a faulty...

    definitely either unlevelled bed or a faulty sensor on the auto topographical mapper (Autolevel DOES NOT LEVEL the bed :-)
  10. Replies

    far more likely that your browser is set up to...

    far more likely that your browser is set up to automatically enter your details in forms.
    You using chrome ?
    That would know all your details and it's the kind of 'useful' thing it tends to do.
  11. Replies

    just make entering email addresses optional. ...

    just make entering email addresses optional.
    I've lost count of the number of surveys I've filled in over the years.
    Happy to do another one.

    As far as biggest problems go.
    It laregely...
  12. does it have print area cooling fan/duct...

    does it have print area cooling fan/duct installed ?
  13. Replies

    it really varies from roll to roll and...

    it really varies from roll to roll and manufacturer and colour to manufacturer and colour.

    I have some pla filaments that if left on the machine overnight, will have broken between extruder and...
  14. If you oook at the people on youtube printing...

    If you oook at the people on youtube printing models, none of thm start the print at the build plate, they all use supports to raise the model off the bed.

    I can't think of any other reason...
  15. Replies

    I think most of them are pretty good as they tend...

    I think most of them are pretty good as they tend to use sls and polymer jet machines, rather than fdm,

    But they are very expensive.
    When your printer clocks in at over £200,000 - you don't...
  16. Replies

    well as one of your previous printers sold for...

    well as one of your previous printers sold for spares or repairs - has been my go to machine for a couple years now. Can i have first refusal on the qidi :-)
    I'll be needing a new machine fairly...
  17. Replies

    the stl file would be a lot more use than a...

    the stl file would be a lot more use than a video.
    Could simply be that tyhe model uses walls too thin for your printer to print. In which case cura will simply ignore any parts of a model it...
  18. bottom layers seem really high. But they make...

    bottom layers seem really high.

    But they make sense if th 0.050 settings work.

    I dunno.

    I still don't understand why the lifting part is in three sections.
    Surely all you need is the...
  19. Out of all that, the expanding owl is probably...

    Out of all that, the expanding owl is probably the toughest thing to pull off.

    The rest I could do, but yeah, that would take some research :-)

    But, yep still bloody impressed :-)

    As far as...
  20. Damn, colour me impressed ! That is a lot of...

    Damn, colour me impressed !

    That is a lot of work for a party !
    How many guests did you have ?

    What printer did you print the wand parts out with ?
    They all look really clean and sharp...
  21. Replies

    lose the {machine_width} And in fact, replace...

    lose the {machine_width}
    And in fact, replace everything in {} curly brackets with actual numbers.
    I'm guessing that was in the bit you copied, but you were meant to replace it with an actual...
  22. what print settings do you use for the 0.025...

    what print settings do you use for the 0.025 layers ?
  23. Replies

    increase the number of the walls until it fills...

    increase the number of the walls until it fills the model.

    You can usually fiddle around with infill enough to make anything solid.

    You can also load the stl into meshmixer and make it solid.
  24. it int easy that's for sure. You have to find...

    it int easy that's for sure.

    You have to find a niche market and then keep it to yourself.

    I make a sell a widget. Other people make a similiar thing.

    But - as far as I know - I'm the only...
  25. yeah my build plate is also textured. I think...

    yeah my build plate is also textured.
    I think it makes the problem worse.

    But I'm guessing you;re on a similiar calibration process to my proxima.

    loosen a couple bolts and lower the bed...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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